I've logged in after a long time, a really long time. So long that I now cringe at the title I've given both my blog name and my "alias". I can't even blame my youth for this. I came up with this crap well after I turned 18, so I guess this is the something I need to live with.
But I actually came back to updating my blog because in the last year my life has changed so drastically. I'm in the place Andy Bernard from the office studied at man!! 10 odd years back when Dwight and Michael and Jim from the office were ribbing that guy from Cornell I had no idea I was going to be here!! In fact, I even selected Cornell as my first choice in the MBA GMAT college dropdown because of that, I wasn't expecting an MBA from the US man, I just selected Cornell for Andy!! And the more I think about it, the more surreal it gets. I just feel lucky right now. I'm a good place, in a new phase of life, fat but alive.. I guess right now is a really good time to be me (the only smart decision I made when it came to blogging was the title, I guess). So while i'm here, let's just blog about it, shall we!?!
So around 12 months ago, roughly end of July'16 I had a heart to heart with my boss that while I was loving my team's dynamic and my profile was growing, my career seemed to be stagnating. I remember telling my dad that I would get an MBA before I turned 30. Well, I was 28 and the clock was ticking so I guess in my mind I was like 'Joel, time's almost up man, you sure you're sticking with that?' and maybe that's why subconsciously I wasn't giving my all at work mentally. I was doing a really great job at work, up for a promotion, I was about to get the sexy corner desk at work with a good view, but was that what I wanted? Apparently my brain was saying No. my brain's been quite forgetful of a lot of things - names, faces, bill payment dates - but was quite at giving me a daily reminder of " Well, you said you'd do something by 30, you're not gonna make it man. Failed promises, tsk tsk ". So I walked up to my boss, hoping for a "dude, great trajectory, much career, such wow" talk but the guy was super supportive of it! Helps when you have more that one person gunning for you, especially when that person is basically paying you for procrastinating. I would like to give myself credit for actually not slacking off at work 1 bit and pulling through while serving the longest notice period in history (July to March, 9 months!) but to be fair my old parents and especially my organization (boss, my super fun team) kept egging me on to do it too so it was a collective effort (i'm channeling my personal MS Dhoni here).
So ya, good meeting, handshakes all around , charted out a transition plan and I effectively left that meeting handing over my notice of resignation. Positive vibes yaw'll.. before it hit me... I effectively left that meeting handing over my notice of resignation!!! I want an MBA, true that. BUT I still don't have the books, haven't planned my studies, don't have an exam date yet, for a guy who wants an MBA that was incredibly stupid! But I guess it helped me focus on a target better, knowing that I have nothing to fall back on. Roll that dice man, all or nothing baby!!! And so I did, and i'm glad I did. I don't want to make this a blog about my scores and the MBA process and my 'strategy' etc, you'll find a lot more self-indulgent posts on Quora about that filled with high achievers doing cool things with their lives. I'm just trying to experience mine for myself. All I can say though, is that 12 months later, i'm in Ithaca, New York studying in Cornell University (it's Gorges!!) looking forward to experiencing snow in 6 months time for the first time in my life.
I've been here two months and I still can't believe how i'm here though. I heard of this place on a goddamn TV show I loved and now I'm here. The only way this this can be topped is if I get hired to work an on SNL type show for NBC at 30 Rock. I swear to God, I will freak out if that happens! Don't really care if anyone reads this or not, this is just for me, to remind me about my blessings and telling me, not bad Joe, but now just don't go ahead and screw it up now coz you have a huuuuuuge debt to pay back. Hail, All hail, Cornell!
But I actually came back to updating my blog because in the last year my life has changed so drastically. I'm in the place Andy Bernard from the office studied at man!! 10 odd years back when Dwight and Michael and Jim from the office were ribbing that guy from Cornell I had no idea I was going to be here!! In fact, I even selected Cornell as my first choice in the MBA GMAT college dropdown because of that, I wasn't expecting an MBA from the US man, I just selected Cornell for Andy!! And the more I think about it, the more surreal it gets. I just feel lucky right now. I'm a good place, in a new phase of life, fat but alive.. I guess right now is a really good time to be me (the only smart decision I made when it came to blogging was the title, I guess). So while i'm here, let's just blog about it, shall we!?!
So around 12 months ago, roughly end of July'16 I had a heart to heart with my boss that while I was loving my team's dynamic and my profile was growing, my career seemed to be stagnating. I remember telling my dad that I would get an MBA before I turned 30. Well, I was 28 and the clock was ticking so I guess in my mind I was like 'Joel, time's almost up man, you sure you're sticking with that?' and maybe that's why subconsciously I wasn't giving my all at work mentally. I was doing a really great job at work, up for a promotion, I was about to get the sexy corner desk at work with a good view, but was that what I wanted? Apparently my brain was saying No. my brain's been quite forgetful of a lot of things - names, faces, bill payment dates - but was quite at giving me a daily reminder of " Well, you said you'd do something by 30, you're not gonna make it man. Failed promises, tsk tsk ". So I walked up to my boss, hoping for a "dude, great trajectory, much career, such wow" talk but the guy was super supportive of it! Helps when you have more that one person gunning for you, especially when that person is basically paying you for procrastinating. I would like to give myself credit for actually not slacking off at work 1 bit and pulling through while serving the longest notice period in history (July to March, 9 months!) but to be fair my old parents and especially my organization (boss, my super fun team) kept egging me on to do it too so it was a collective effort (i'm channeling my personal MS Dhoni here).
So ya, good meeting, handshakes all around , charted out a transition plan and I effectively left that meeting handing over my notice of resignation. Positive vibes yaw'll.. before it hit me... I effectively left that meeting handing over my notice of resignation!!! I want an MBA, true that. BUT I still don't have the books, haven't planned my studies, don't have an exam date yet, for a guy who wants an MBA that was incredibly stupid! But I guess it helped me focus on a target better, knowing that I have nothing to fall back on. Roll that dice man, all or nothing baby!!! And so I did, and i'm glad I did. I don't want to make this a blog about my scores and the MBA process and my 'strategy' etc, you'll find a lot more self-indulgent posts on Quora about that filled with high achievers doing cool things with their lives. I'm just trying to experience mine for myself. All I can say though, is that 12 months later, i'm in Ithaca, New York studying in Cornell University (it's Gorges!!) looking forward to experiencing snow in 6 months time for the first time in my life.
I've been here two months and I still can't believe how i'm here though. I heard of this place on a goddamn TV show I loved and now I'm here. The only way this this can be topped is if I get hired to work an on SNL type show for NBC at 30 Rock. I swear to God, I will freak out if that happens! Don't really care if anyone reads this or not, this is just for me, to remind me about my blessings and telling me, not bad Joe, but now just don't go ahead and screw it up now coz you have a huuuuuuge debt to pay back. Hail, All hail, Cornell!
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