I have a very faint idea of how my childhood was like, not coz I have had too much to drink once I’ve grown, or that I was being beaten up so much my brain has just blocked that very tumultuous stage of my life for good. It’s just that my childhood was just that bloody uninteresting!! I don’t recollect doing anything of basic importance (not that u have either, avid reader) but since I seem to have accomplished so much now ( me being modest) I really think I should’ve bloody done something better than sit at my neighbors house playing on the computer all day, even doing something as interesting as playing Prince or Persia…2. But then it all came back to me, it’s not the stuff I did outside of school but probably in recess during school that’s made my life this crappy!! These things we so beautifully reminisce as Childhood games were the root cause of all evil & destruction in my life!! Now I know y I look like those centerpiece balloons at a kids Bday party – fat and ready to burst...
Simple Stuff.. Mostly Crap ;)