I've logged in after a long time, a really long time. So long that I now cringe at the title I've given both my blog name and my "alias". I can't even blame my youth for this. I came up with this crap well after I turned 18, so I guess this is the something I need to live with. But I actually came back to updating my blog because in the last year my life has changed so drastically. I'm in the place Andy Bernard from the office studied at man!! 10 odd years back when Dwight and Michael and Jim from the office were ribbing that guy from Cornell I had no idea I was going to be here!! In fact, I even selected Cornell as my first choice in the MBA GMAT college dropdown because of that, I wasn't expecting an MBA from the US man, I just selected Cornell for Andy!! And the more I think about it, the more surreal it gets. I just feel lucky right now. I'm a good place, in a new phase of life, fat but alive.. I guess right now is a really good time to be me (t...
India had a very eventful October to say the least; The Mumbai Indians won the Champions League T20 followed by the rest of India’s Indians whitewashing the English in the one day series. Delhi was supposed to have Metallica first, but eventually quiet little Bengaluru was woken up with random shrill cries from 4 dopey Americans with loud Instruments. But by far the most awesome thing to happen was India pulled off the Inaugural Indian Grand Prix at the Buddh International Circuit in Greater Noida. The track, the cars, the noise, the feel, nothing could match the excitement it generated. Somewhere in the middle of it all though, it lost its essence, its “Indianness”. So here are my 10 reasons why I was pleasantly surprised by the Indian Grand Prix. 1) Shahrukh Khan was nowhere to be seen, even more shockingly, no Ra.One posters. 2) The event organizers went for Metallica over a performance from Malaika Arora. 3) Maharashtra didn’t create a ruckus that the UP guys took away our jobs fir...